This area is one of the most popular sport climbing areas in the state. Due to a climbing tragedy in the 1980s, the area has had very sensitive access–don’t believe otherwise like many web rumors might lead you to believe. Part of the property is owned by a private quarry; another part by the township. If you do climb here, park at the ball-field and keep a low profile. Do not park near houses! Much private property surrounds this area; stay off private landowners property. Keep noise to a minimum as well. This area is listed on this site to provide access information about the area and some guidelines to follow for approaching the area. So as to not over-publicize this area , I’m not including directions; however, any novice googler can locate this area.
History: Climbers have visited the steep walls here since the ’70s. Jean Jenay was probably the first documented climber to visit here. The ’80s were the most developmental era for climbing. Daryl Roth, Jim Nonamaker, Kim Steiner, Rich Pleiss, Rich Gotleib (notable Gunk’s climber) and many others cut their teeth on the steep granite-like rock here. Bob D’Antonio added many area classics as well. One that I feel is a hard 5.13, has seen few repeats.
Bolting Fund: If you would like to help the rebolting efforts click here.